Wednesday, June 22, 2011

10 Months.

Nap time for Guylan. Reflection time for me. Mmmm...

I can't believe it has been 10 months since we posted on here last. There is good reason for that. Life has been CRAZY. Crazy awesome, but crazy none the less. Life has been mellowing out a bit. Maybe mellowing isn't the right word. Nathan is working full time at a recruiting firm and part time at our church. I am working full time at the church with an amazing group of students. And of course we have our sweet little babe running around in all this. Thus, life is still CRAZY. Crazy awesome, but crazy none the less. Amongst the crazy, we have been falling into a good groove and I feel like we are getting a really good feel for things around here.

We are having an awesome week around here. Things are getting really exciting as we are preparing for our youth group to go to CAMP!!!! :) Next week is going to be an awesome week!!

Man, I sure can feel it on my insides when I am not consistently spending time pursuing God through his word and reflecting on it.

I discovered the International House of Prayer website this week! What an amazing thing! IHOP is a ministry that is “committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God’s power.” How do they do this? The have a 24/7 Prayer Room that either has worship or intercessory prayer happening all day everyday! Now, the best part...they have a free webstream on their website!! The first day I discovered the site I listened to it for half the day straight. It is just lovely.

Well, sorry for the random thoughts. Time to spend a few minutes in the Word before Guy wakes up.

Hope you all are well.

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