Monday, August 23, 2010

Moving to Franklin, Tennessee!

As you may have heard, Becky and I will be moving to Tennessee on September 8th! Many of you have asked about this quick decision, so I have decided to write a blog about how it came to happen. A little over a month ago, Becky and I took a trip down to Franklin, TN (Nashville area) visit her parents. It was a great, relaxing vacation time besides the multiple dentist visits J. Among many fun things with Becky’s family, we were also able to hang out with some of our good friends that have previously moved to that area. One night, we drove over to Smyrna, TN and spent some quality time with our friends Jared and Katie. We were able to talk about life and enjoy getting caught up. Those of you who know us probably know that Becky and I have a few life ministries including our marriage, our child, and the band Never Say When. Therefore, we naturally got on the topic of Never Say When while talking to Jared, who majored in music business at Belmont University and is working part-time at BMI. The conversation drifted to the fact that we know the band can provide a good, professional product, but we need a manager because we are terrible at the business side of things. Jared, possibly half-jokingly, said that he could manage the band. And the thoughts began.

I found myself bitten by the Nashville bug. For the first time in my life, I knew exactly what I wanted. I want to worship GOD and encourage and challenge others through music and be able to support my family doing it. Becky found great joy in the fact that I was getting passionately excited about something because she, without telling me, had been praying for GOD to light a fire under me.

Along with thoughts and dreams about music, Becky and I also had to think about reality. We had to somehow make some money in order to meet our budget every month. Along with paying rent in Macomb, IL and everything else that goes into a budget, December will bring the beginning of MANY LARGE payments for school loans. We needed something through which GOD could provide us with money. The summer session of children’s music classes was over, all of our music students stopped taking lessons, Becky was unable to keep working shifts at CafĂ© Aroma and still nurse Guy…Macomb stopped looking so promising. At that point, Becky and I decided it would be a good time to start touring full-time. So, why would we want to pay rent for a space to live in Macomb if we want to be musicians that travel a lot? Along with all this, the band, being our prime ministry, had been very inactive for the summer since we had a baby and the other members were working in their own niches. Therefore, we talked to the band members and told them we may be taking some duo gigs to help pay the bills. Although doors seemed to be closing in Macomb, other doors were opening in TN. We had found a wonderful man that could be the manager of Never Say When (Jared), meaning that Becky and I could actually make our musical, worshipful calling come true. We also have family there that could give us lots of support, help, and love. And, our Grandma Dorothy has agreed to let Becky and I stay in her vacant house for a while. Therefore, Becky and I don’t have to worry about making a large rent payment every month. Rather, we can focus on making Never Say When our primary, full-time ministry!

After much prayer and thought, I decided that it would be the best thing for my family to move to TN. We told the other members of the band and made sure they understood that even though the future of the band is uncertain, they are more than welcome to continue with us now as Never Say When. We are leaving those decisions up to them and GOD. While there are many challenges, emotions, uncertainties, and much hard work built into this decision, I finally know what GOD is calling me to do. There are things, and most importantly, people in Macomb that we will miss, but Becky and I need to take this chance to pursue what we believe to be GOD’s calling for our life. While we could live anywhere in the world and rely on part-time jobs to pay the bills while half-heartedly chasing after our musical career, there is no way we would ever be fulfilled. Devoting ourselves to music for the sake of the Lord is the only way I can be fulfilled in my current life. We would definitely appreciate any prayers that you would like to send our way!