Saturday, February 27, 2010

Guylan: The Meaning

Nathan and I have given our little boy the name Guylan because we like it. (I told the story of the creation of Guylan's name in a previous post.) So, I was having a conversation with one of our friends, Nick Self, just a few days ago and he encouraged me to look in to the meaning, origin and definitions of his name. So I did and found some very interesting things!! Here is the meaning of his name:

When I looked up "Guylan" I got nothing. There were only two websites who even acknowledged Guylan as a name at all. So, I decided to look up "Guy" since that is the name we started with. According to a few different sources Guy could mean a few different things. From a German origin it means, "wood." Not so exciting, I know. From Welsh it means, "lively." Now, this one has already proven to be true. I could feel Guylan dancing in my belly at 16 weeks!! We definitely have a very lively baby. In Old German Guy means "warrior." This one is pretty cool. I also really like that in French Guy means "guide." Very cool, huh.

I think my favorite part of the Guy name research was when I wondered across the definition of "guy" in the dictionary. Of course it could just mean "a young man", but it also means "An object to steady , guide, secure of embrace something with." How cool is that!! That was by far my favorite definition!! :)

I sure can't wait to watch our son, Guylan, grow and fulfill his purpose in this world. We love you little Guy.

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