So, this past Tuesday was the first day of my second trimester!! Wow!! I am in my 4th month of pregnancy! I sure cannot believe it. Our little baby is going to be here before we know it. Only 6 months left!! I was reading my pregnancy book, that my mama got me, and according to it our baby is about 4-6 inches long and weighs about .25 of a pound! The baby has been growing and changing so quickly. I sure have found such a deeper love, passion and fascination with God through this time. As I have been learning about how a baby forms and how many intricate things are happening all at once and how many of those intricate things could go amazes me that anything goes right!! God is sure a great creator. There is no doubt in my mind that he is behind all the creation of our world. Speaking of growing and changing...I have been doing some of that myself! According to the book my mama gave me if you haven't started wearing maternity pants by this time in your pregnancy you are doing really good. That made me feel good because although I had to say good-bye to two of my pre-pregnancy pants, I can still wear most of them!! :) At my last doctors appointment I had only gained one pound. I have my next appointment next Thrusday...I will let you know how it goes.
Nathan and I took a picture of my stomach as soon as we found out we were pregnant. This was at about 4-5 weeks. I thought it was only appropriate to mark the monumental occasion of entering my second trimester by taking another picture of my belly. There is not too much of a change, but when I look back and forth between the two pictures I can tell a difference. Can you see the difference? At this point I don't feel all to pregnant...more just that I am getting chubby. I wonder if people look at me (who don't know I am pregnant) and think....humm, she is gaining weight! Hehe...I will show them in a few more weeks I will be unmistakably pregnant! I am really looking forward to that time. So, here are the pregnant pictures of me....hope you enjoy!!
Here I am at 4-5 Weeks pregnant
And here I am now at 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant!!

Love seeing the pictures and sharing in your excitement. Have you had an ultrasound yet? He/she will look like a real baby at this point, it is sooo neat!
O My really look pregnant...guess I have to believe it now!!! I am SOO excited...and you are cute! Love you!
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